Understanding Intrinsic Value
Intrinsic value is the true worth of a stock or business, based on its cash flows, not its market price. It involves complex calculations, using both fundamental and technical analysis. Both qualitative and quantitative elements are considered, often using the discounted cash flow method.
Intrinsic Value In Detail
Intrinsic value is a tool used by analysts for buying, selling, or investing decisions. It's also used in options valuation.
This valuation method combines technical and fundamental analysis of a company's financials. Both quantitative and qualitative factors are important to consider. For example, a profitable company involved in illegal activities might be overvalued if only quantitative factors are considered.
Yet, intrinsic valuation has limitations. It may underestimate risk, the calculations involve assumptions that can cause subjectivity, and when used for options, it may ignore factors like premium and time value of money.